Author Archives: RiverBien

Jessie Chen

Jessie Chen is an animal lover and a highly sensitive person who finds solace in expressing her emotions through painting. However, throughout her life, her emotions were continuously suppressed, leading to numbness and repression. This changed when she connected with an environmental organization. With their support, Jessie rekindled her connection with nature, picked up her […]

Mina Liu

In 2011, Mina was diagnosed with a rare disease called Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT), also known as hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy. This incurable neurological disorder causes weakness and pain in the extremities, making precise movements difficult. Despite growing up with frequent illness, Mina’s love for recording life remained strong, nurtured by an upbringing close to nature. […]

RiverBien Spreads Warmth on Mother’s Day: Free Crafting Sessions for Children

This Mother’s Day, RiverBien participated in the “Oh My Mom!” Mother’s Day Carnival, organized by the World Journal’s San Francisco branch. The event was held at the Chinese Cultural and Community Service Center in the Bay Area, attracting many families and children to celebrate this special day together. On the day of the event, RiverBien offered a […]

SQL Database Administrator 資料庫管理師

工作內容 職務性質:全職需求人數:1人 熟悉SQL語言:具備良好的SQL知識,包括基本的查詢、資料操作、聚合函數等等。 資料庫管理:能夠設計、管理和維護關聯式資料庫,如MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQL Server等。 資料庫設計:具備良好的資料庫設計能力,包括正規化、索引設計、性能優化等。 數據處理與轉換:能夠進行數據處理、轉換和清洗,包括ETL流程的設計與實現。 程式設計能力:具備至少一種程式語言的開發能力,如Python、Java、C#等,用於撰寫腳本或開發應用程式與資料庫交互。 數據分析:具備基本的數據分析能力,能夠使用SQL進行數據分析、報表生成等。 問題解決能力:良好的問題解決能力,能夠快速定位和解決資料庫相關的問題。 溝通能力:良好的溝通能力,能夠與團隊成員、管理層溝通,理解需求並提供解決方案。 專案管理:有專案管理經驗者優先,能夠獨立完成或參與大型項目的開發與部署。 持續學習:擁有持續學習的精神,能夠跟上資料庫技術的發展,不斷提升自身技能。 工作待遇:面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)上班地點:台北市信義區信義路五段5號7樓7C08 (臺北世界貿易中心)管理責任:不需負擔管理責任出差外派:無需出差外派上班時段:日班休假制度:週休二日 工作條件 工作經驗:不拘學歷要求:大學、碩士職務類別:資料庫管理人員、軟體工程師   應徵方式 請將履歷及簡短自我介紹寄至職務聯絡人 Email 單位:河畔果管理顧問股份有限公司職務聯絡人:黃小姐職務E-mail:lyviah@riverbien.com應徵回覆:第一階段為履歷書面審核,如通過後,將另行通知並安排面試。因求職者眾多,如第一階段未通過,恕不另行通知,還請見諒。

Molly T.

Molly T., a Taiwanese artist, is deeply passionate about painting, reading manga, and listening to opera. She primarily utilizes digital drawing, graphite pencils, and pastels, encompassing a wide range of styles including abstract art, surrealism, and mixed media. Molly finds inspiration in the beauty of nature and all living beings created by God, often portraying […]

I-Ling Shen

Hello My name is I-ling. I graduated from Bellevue College and Cornish College of art, major in Interior Design in Seattle.  Before I major in Art, I was studied in University of California , Irvine major in Business. I have an eyes to see the beauty in the world. God has given me the talent […]

2024 Art Summer Camp

Agenda Instructors & Reviews Check-In & Pick-Up Price&Discount Sign Up Now COURSE OVERVIEW Following the success of last year, RiverBien will be hosting an “Art Summer Camp” for children aged 5-12 in June this year. Through carefully designed courses and activities, we aim to provide children the opportunity to learn skills, experience the beauty of […]

2023 Art Show-True Beauty

“娓” embodies a diligent and tireless spirit, carrying the meanings of perseverance, effort, and beauty. To those who strive, ponder, tirelessly contribute, and shoulder responsibilities, you are truly beautiful. The path of hard work can be challenging for an individual, but you have never been alone. If you don’t mind having a group accompany you […]

Can Christians celebrate Halloween?

Can Christians do this? Can Christians do that? Have you ever had similar questions? Perhaps we should think not only about what we can or cannot do but also explore “why we are doing it” and “what impact our decisions will have.” Crystal 邊歆茹, PhD Founder & CEO Art by Crystal Bien  A girl named […]

Global Young Entrepreneurs Star award​ – Dr. Crystal Bien

Source: 金山灣區青商潛力之星邊歆茹 信仰啟發河畔果藝術平臺傳播智慧種子 Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission August 2023 This year, Crystal Bian, who runs RiverBien, the Art and Cultural Platform, was honored with “Global Young Entrepreneur Star” award. In August, she released her first picture book, “Things I Wish I Knew Earlier.” This year, the founder of RivrerBien – Dr. Crystal Bien, who was […]

Is Beautiful Hope a Trap?

Ocboter, 10, 2023 “Hope” serves as the driving force behind our efforts, perseverance, and determination, instilling in us the belief that our efforts will yield rewards. But should hope be subject to scrutiny? By Dr. Crystal Bien Founder & CEO ART by Jessie Chen Is Beautiful Hope a Trap? Let’s read a story about Allison […]

2023 RiverBien ART in TAPEI

Silicon Valley ExecutiveCA EntrepreneurEmerging Taipei ArtistUS Interdisciplinary Painter Experience different styles and seasons of life. We invite you to step into our lives, even just for a moment, and listen to our perspectives on the world through our artwork. Silicon Valley Executives x CA Entrepreneurs x Emerging Taipei Artists x US Interdisciplinary Painters Experience different styles […]