Category Archives: Relationship

Is Beautiful Hope a Trap?

Ocboter, 10, 2023 “Hope” serves as the driving force behind our efforts, perseverance, and determination, instilling in us the belief that our efforts will yield rewards. But should hope be subject to scrutiny? By Dr. Crystal Bien Founder & CEO ART by Jessie Chen Is Beautiful Hope a Trap? Let’s read a story about Allison […]

Keep Love in Your Heart

Keeping your love is hard. Especially when you find that people around you are not worth being loved. Don’t give up easily. There are 3 ways to keep love in your heart: Know unequivocally that you are loved by God.So you could always love someone you can’t love because you could take the LOVE you […]

The Secret to Love

The command to love can sometimes feel like a heavy burden–especially when we think of our nasty boss at work or our annoying neighbors. What is helpful, however, is to remember the context in which Jesus gave his commandment. The focus was not on the effort of loving others but on our relationship with Him. […]

Speak the Truth in Love

“Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” — Ephesians 4:29 Communication is very important, especially in marriage. Couples can easily drift apart if they don’t take time to communicate and share their lives […]

Bold Lion of Judah

Lion, calmly lying on the prairie. Once a target appears, it shows strength and courage with confidence. Judah came forward and sacrificed himself without a second thought as the family encounter adversity. He stepped in and offered to be a slave in place of his youngest brother Benjamin. This act earned him the position as […]

????Pray for Children – The Spirit of Joy

Dear God,  Please fill me with joy and peace. Fill me with confidence through the power of the Holy Spirit. Help me count my blessings and be thankful for those around me. Amen. “A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.” — Proverbs 15:13 ARTIST    Crystal Bien        […]