Keep Love in Your Heart

Keeping your love is hard. Especially when you find that people around you are not worth being loved.

Don’t give up easily. There are 3 ways to keep love in your heart:

  1. Know unequivocally that you are loved by God.
    So you could always love someone you can’t love because you could take the LOVE you lack from God.

  2. The more you give, the more love you feel.
    Want to feel surrounded by love? Be kind, be true, be the one who is generous to help others.

  3. Where there is great love, there are always miracles.
    Believe it or not. Every time when you spread your love to the world, not only to your personal life, you could keep love round and round then back to you. So care more about the world, pray more about the people who are suffering now, act more like Jesus!

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” — 1 John 4:7

ARTIST    Phoebe Yu   
WRITER    Aurora Lin    

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