Category Archives: Drawing

Can Christians celebrate Halloween?

Can Christians do this? Can Christians do that? Have you ever had similar questions? Perhaps we should think not only about what we can or cannot do but also explore “why we are doing it” and “what impact our decisions will have.” Crystal 邊歆茹, PhD Founder & CEO Art by Crystal Bien  A girl named […]

Are you Princess Pocahontas or the colonizer of earth?

Have you seen this Disney movie: “Pocahontas”? If you’ve seen it, then you may remember what Princess Pocahontas sang to the British: “You think you own whatever land you land on, the earth is just a dead thing you can claim. But I know every rock and tree and creature, has a life, has a […]

You Are My Strength

“You are my strength, I watch for you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.” — Psalm 59:9-10.  Indeed, God is our strength. Please help us have a productive day.      ARTIST    Crystal Bien  Explore More by   TOPIC  |  BIBLE BOOK  |  AUTHOR

Keep Love in Your Heart

Keeping your love is hard. Especially when you find that people around you are not worth being loved. Don’t give up easily. There are 3 ways to keep love in your heart: Know unequivocally that you are loved by God.So you could always love someone you can’t love because you could take the LOVE you […]

The Secret to Love

The command to love can sometimes feel like a heavy burden–especially when we think of our nasty boss at work or our annoying neighbors. What is helpful, however, is to remember the context in which Jesus gave his commandment. The focus was not on the effort of loving others but on our relationship with Him. […]

Be the light. Arise and Shine!

Let‘s shine together so all those we encounter see Him. “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the people, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your […]

Pray for Angels in Wuhan

May God heal the land of Wuhan and the people there with his mercy. Pray for the power of God to prevent the virus from spreading further and to properly handle the infectious diseases.(ROLCC Sunday Prayer) May the Lord protect all the doctors and nurses there and watch over their coming and going.  “I will […]

Pray for Australia

Australian wildfires have been burning for several months, and nearly 500 million animals have died in the fire. The dying koalas cannot pray to God for themselves, only humans can, so please pray with us for Australia daily, at any time of day or night, pray for heavy rain to fall throughout Australia: Dear Lord,We […]

Is being introverted bad?

“Is being introverted bad?” Don’t be silly, God made the uniqueness of each person and He regards each one as good. I wonder if you have found that the mainstream opinion in this world has been trying to brainwash you: “What kind of personality is better?” An optimistic person is better, a successful man is […]