Author Archives: RiverBien

God is Always on Time

“He has made everything beautiful in its time….” ‭‭(Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3:11‬). We are often told to be patient with God as His timeline is different from what we envision. Our heavenly father has his timing, and He knows the best schedule for His work! I have always been an impatient person who gets anxious quickly. Most […]


A well-known psychological experiment demonstrates how body image affects people’s self-esteem.  In the experiment, the makeup artist fashioned a distinctive scar on the subject’s face and then secretly erase the scar without them knowing the mark is removed. Participants are then arranged to interact face-to-face with strangers.  Interestingly, most of the participants reported that they […]


As an immigrant living overseas, the environment I’m in is sometimes challenging. Without families around me, fears and depression often gravitate me into a low tide of helplessness. What we can do at that moment is to focus on God. We must believe that the Lord will protect us in the hardest time and overcome […]

Meditating God’s Word

When being attacked or challenged at work, meditating God’s Word brings the best comfort and discernment. “The wicked are waiting to destroy me, but I will ponder your statutes. To all perfection I see a limit, but your commands are boundless.” (Psalm 119:95-96) My LORD, please help me be able to ponder on your eternal […]

The Plans of the Diligent lead to Profit

Growing up in a society that emphasizes academic success, I had been trained to make plans to conquer various exams and tests. Fortunately, I have enjoyed the planning process quite a lot. It is often like playing games to think of goals, determine a scope, set deadlines, and break down significant milestones into smaller actions. […]

God’s Wisdom

When we encounter life challenges, we often seek human wisdom to resolve the issues and don’t think about asking God for help until we are desperate. Yes, humans are smarter and more knowledgeable than other creatures, but our intelligence does not measure up to God’s wisdom.   Since young, I am very used to counting on […]

Quick to Listen, Slow to Speak, Slow to Angry

The thought God gave us is thoughts of peace and not of evil. God does not like disputes. However, as Christians, how should we resolve conflicts in our workplace? For me, when coming to resolve disagreements, I often deal with people’s feelings first.  I believe that emotion is the most critical factor affecting team productivity […]

Real Goodness

Jack Ma hopes that Alibaba is perceived to be a “good” company by society and consumers. What is a “good” company? One that has accountability, responsibility, and goodness. Who can really have “goodness”? “There is none good but One, that is, God.” (Mark 10:18b) — Sandra Liu   Explore More by   TOPIC  |  BIBLE BOOK  | […]