Category Archives: Revelation

Pray for Australia

Australian wildfires have been burning for several months, and nearly 500 million animals have died in the fire. The dying koalas cannot pray to God for themselves, only humans can, so please pray with us for Australia daily, at any time of day or night, pray for heavy rain to fall throughout Australia: Dear Lord,We […]

Purify our Hearts

Dear God, please guard my heart. Help me to pursue faith, love, and peace, so I can become more like you. Help me purify myself “from everything that contaminates body and spirit” (2 Corinthians 7:1). Amen “Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the […]

Bold Lion of Judah

Lion, calmly lying on the prairie. Once a target appears, it shows strength and courage with confidence. Judah came forward and sacrificed himself without a second thought as the family encounter adversity. He stepped in and offered to be a slave in place of his youngest brother Benjamin. This act earned him the position as […]