Author Archives: RiverBien

Is being introverted bad?

“Is being introverted bad?” Don’t be silly, God made the uniqueness of each person and He regards each one as good. I wonder if you have found that the mainstream opinion in this world has been trying to brainwash you: “What kind of personality is better?” An optimistic person is better, a successful man is […]

God’s Line

The concept of “boundary” seems weak in our “feeling-oriented” traditional culture. However, the idea of setting boundaries was originally sourced from the Bible, and Jesus is our role model for setting a healthy boundary. Prioritize God, then we can make good judgments and define the appropriate boundaries with others. With a godly boundary, we can […]

Perseverance makes possibilities

Tribulations often bring with it despair, anxiety, fear and the feeling of being overwhelmed, how can it be dealt with joy? Although it is difficult, we can learn to enter into them with a calm, peaceful and unwavering heart, and let God lead us to step by step out of the rain and storm, and […]

Purify our Hearts

Dear God, please guard my heart. Help me to pursue faith, love, and peace, so I can become more like you. Help me purify myself “from everything that contaminates body and spirit” (2 Corinthians 7:1). Amen “Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the […]

Munch suffered, but Munch didn’t say it out loud.

You must have seen Munch’s masterpiece painting “Scream”, but you may not know what Munch was “screaming” about. Munch had a depressing childhood, and he suffered from both physical and mental illness all his life. When Munch and his two friends were walking towards the sunset, he felt a great depression and anxiety. When he […]

Speak the Truth in Love

“Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” — Ephesians 4:29 Communication is very important, especially in marriage. Couples can easily drift apart if they don’t take time to communicate and share their lives […]

Who my God is? (2)

“The LORD’S loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail.” —  Lamentation 3:22 Jesus’ redeeming blood on the cross reconciles us with our creator God. God’s love completed revealed to us so as to motivate us and give us power to continue on our path of progressive sanctification throughout our lives until meeting […]