Wait Upon Lord

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When I first read this passage in NIV,
I was confused as I have always remembered the verse to be those who ‘wait upon the Lord.’
I did a quick research and found that I was right;
in KJV, this scripture is ‘wait upon‘ instead of ‘hope‘.
What an interesting find!

When we truly put our hope in God, we wait upon Him.
Be still and know He is God is an act of faith!

In the same verse, God also promises that while we wait,
we will renew our strength and not go weary.
Wow! I can’t believe just how well God knows us!
He understands our weakness and frustration during wait-time,
and He went one step ahead of us to promise that we can be at peace,
and soar on wings like eagles.
How great is that!

Let’s put our hope in the Lord and wait upon him patiently starting RIGHT NOW!


“but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.”
                          — Isaiah 40:31


 ARTIST    Rosemarie Chiu
WRITER    Rosemarie Chiu

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