Speak the Truth in Love

10_DPI 19

“Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” — Ephesians 4:29

Communication is very important, especially in marriage. Couples can easily drift apart if they don’t take time to communicate and share their lives with one another. Often couples struggle with how to resolve conflicts they encounter in their marriage.

Thankfully, God’s Word tells us a lot about communication. This verse is foundational for God honoring communication. Our words should build others up, and our words should benefit those who listen.

There are times when couples disagree about something and in order to resolve the problem, they have to talk it out. This is not a time to attack one another. This is a time to honor God with what you say. You might want to ask yourself a few questions before you start. Is my attitude right? Are my words loving? Is my tone loving? Before speaking, think about how your words may sound.

If possible pray before you begin discussing the situation. Seek God’s help and wisdom. Pray that your words will benefit the other person, even if the problem is difficult, and that God would be honored.

Listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Ask questions if you’re unsure what they are trying to convey. Make sure you have the facts right before you give your opinion. If you need help, ask a trusted, godly couple to come alongside to help you resolve the problem in ways that please God.

As you take this verse to heart, hopefully your words will build each other up and your relationship strengthened as you seek to communicate God’s way.

                      ARTIST    Crystal Bien   
                   WRITER    Bev Moore   

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