Never Let Me Go

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While stumbling on the subject of “Love Your Wife,”
an image of a husband tightly holding his wife’s hand come in my mind.
I then realized that God wants me to reflect on what a husband after God’s own heart should be.

Husband’s love toward his wife should be faithful and protective.
It is cherishing her and not afraid of hardship.

I hope you are touched by this image of a godly husband as well.
Best wishes to all the couples Living in the blessing of God!

“In this same way,
husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies.
He who loves his wife loves himself.”
— Ephesians 5:28


                 ARTIST    Phoebe Yu (Peiwen)
                WRITER    Phoebe Yu (Peiwen)
ENGLISH EDITOR    Rosemarie Chiu         

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8 thoughts on “Never Let Me Go

  1. Wenlin Huang says:

    真的是一隻有力的手握住了幸福!在iPad 上素描?有力和纖柔是感人的對比,很喜歡????原來幸福的定義很簡單! (commented on Line)

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