Munch suffered, but Munch didn’t say it out loud.

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You must have seen Munch’s masterpiece painting “Scream”, but you may not know what Munch was “screaming” about.

Munch had a depressing childhood, and he suffered from both physical and mental illness all his life. When Munch and his two friends were walking towards the sunset, he felt a great depression and anxiety. When he was trembling with fear on the bridge, however, his friends had gone far and didn’t notice his struggle at all.

Do you sometimes have unspeakable loneliness, and nobody could understand it even if you say it out loud? Do you sometimes have bitterness in your heart, and you still force yourself to act with a smile among people in your daily life? Remember, our Father knows every unspeakable pain we have, and he has prepared all the comfort for you; He will never leave you like the friends of Munch without knowing the worries in your heart. You will never be alone in your entire life.

 “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles.” — Psalm 34 4-6

    ARTIST    Crystal Bien    
WRITER    Aurora Lin    
ENGLISH EDITOR    Alice Jou Bolenbaugh

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