Mina Liu

In 2011, Mina was diagnosed with a rare disease called Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT), also known as hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy. This incurable neurological disorder causes weakness and pain in the extremities, making precise movements difficult.

Despite growing up with frequent illness, Mina’s love for recording life remained strong, nurtured by an upbringing close to nature. In 2013, she began capturing beautiful memories through photography, and by 2018, she embraced painting to experience and convey the beauty of God’s creation, feeling the “very good” essence spoken by the Father. Through these mediums, she engaged in a profound dialogue between nature and her soul.

Mina believes in traveling and living life to the fullest, capturing memories through her art. She uses painting and photography to tell stories, sharing the inspiration God gives her with others.

May each of her creations spark a conversation between you and God.

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