Category Archives: Drawing

God Saves Tears

What is the greatest comfort for a heartbroken person?【My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me all day long, “Where is your God?”】(Psalm 42:3) Actually God is saving every drop of your tears with his hands; (the white hands represents the Holy God). He turns tears into a string […]

Pure Joy

What is the simplest and purest joy? Maybe a beautifully decorated cake, big and delicious, all to yourself?  Yum!Do you remember the time you had pure happiness just like this? We all love colorful cake adorned with fruits, toppings, and maybe some sweet creams. These decorations are like rewards and gifts from God in life. […]

Mount Up with Wings as Eagles

I have been working for more than 20 years, and praise the Lord for all the blessings throughout my career. When I was asked to make a painting regarding God’s blessings in the work field, the verse “they shall mount up with wings like eagles” came to my mind. And it inspired me to create […]

Calling in Life

A recent study proves that spiritual calling is a source of meaning,contributing to job satisfaction that is not conditioned on the environment. The definitions of “calling” by different scholars are slightly different, but basically, they all agree that pursuing of a common good, helping others,or creating social value is an essential element of spiritual calling. […]

A Fruitful Life

This painting was created to illustrate a vision: that a little seed was planted by the creek, and it grew into a massive tree and bore an abundance of fruit portraying a sense of peace, hope and blessings; praise the Lord, Amen! “He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That […]

????Pray for Children – The Spirit of Joy

Dear God,  Please fill me with joy and peace. Fill me with confidence through the power of the Holy Spirit. Help me count my blessings and be thankful for those around me. Amen. “A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.” — Proverbs 15:13 ARTIST    Crystal Bien        […]