Belinda Liu

Belinda founded the Double Portion Media to serve sister fellowships. She also partners in ministry with her husband Tong Liu, Senior Pastor at the River of Life Christian Church in Silicon Valley, California.

Belinda has the gifts of teaching and healing. God gave Belinda a heart for Israel, and through her prayer ministry for Middle East, God has opened up new opportunities in the region.

Belinda is the best partner of her husband and the friend of her two daughters. She enjoys both her roles as the pastor’s wife and as the “PHD” student in the kingdom of God (Preaching, Healing, Deliverance).

There is a plaque on her wall which says:

     Daughter: “The ‘Mom’ that everyone calls MOM”
    Husband: “The sweetest and affectionate wife”
Congregation: “The area pastor that is most motherly” 

She is the author of several best-selling books including “Woman’s Curse and Blessing”, “Pray for the Spiritual Character of Child”, and “Promise and Healing”.

She also hosts radio and TV talk shows.

On the RiverBien Page, Belinda will use writing to share biblical wisdom.